TA Code | Latin official term | English equivalent |
A13.0.00.000 |
Systema lymphoideum
Lymphoid system
A13.1.00.001 |
A13.1.01.001 |
Medulla ossium
Bone marrow
A13.1.02.001 |
A13.1.02.002 |
A13.1.02.003 |
Lobuli thymi
Lobules of thymus
A13.1.02.004 |
Cortex thymi
Cortex of thymus
A13.1.02.005 |
Medulla thymi
Medulla of thymus
A13.1.02.006 |
(Lobuli thymici accessorii)
(Accessory thymic lobules)
A13.2.00.001 |
A13.2.01.001 |
Splen; Lien
A13.2.01.002 |
Capsula; Tunica fibrosa
Fibrous capsule
A13.2.01.003 |
Trabeculae splenicae
Splenic trabeculae
A13.2.01.004 |
Pulpa splenica; Pulpa lienalis
Splenic pulp
A13.2.01.005 |
Pulpa rubra
Red pulp
A13.2.01.006 |
Pulpa alba
White pulp
A13.2.01.007 |
Facies diaphragmatica
Diaphragmatic surface
A13.2.01.008 |
Facies visceralis
Visceral surface
A13.2.01.009 |
Facies renalis
Renal impression
A13.2.01.010 |
Facies gastrica
Gastric impression
A13.2.01.011 |
Facies colica
Colic impression
A13.2.01.012 |
(Facies pancreatica)
(Pancreatic impression)
A13.2.01.013 |
Extremitas anterior
Anterior extremity
A13.2.01.014 |
Extremitas posterior
Posterior extremity
A13.2.01.015 |
Margo inferior
Inferior border
A13.2.01.016 |
Margo superior
Superior border
A13.2.01.017 |
Hilum splenicum; Hilum lienale
Splenic hilum
A13.2.01.018 |
Tunica serosa
Serosa; Serous coat
A13.2.01.019 |
Sinus splenicus; Sinus lienalis
Splenic sinus
A13.2.01.020 |
A13.2.01.021 |
Noduli lymphoidei splenici; Noduli lymphoidei lienales
Splenic lymphoid nodules
A13.2.01.022 |
(Splen accessorius)
(Accessory spleen)
A13.2.02.001 |
Anulus lymphoideus pharyngis
Pharyngeal lymphoid ring
A05.1.04.022 |
Tonsilla lingualis
Lingual tonsil
A13.2.02.002 |
Cryptae tonsillares
Tonsillar crypts
A05.1.04.023 |
Noduli lymphoidei
Lymphoid nodules
A05.2.01.011 |
Tonsilla palatina
Palatine tonsil
↓ A05.2.01.014 |
Fossulae tonsillae; Fossulae tonsillares
Tonsillar pits
↓ A05.2.01.015 |
Cryptae tonsillae; Cryptae tonsillares
Tonsillar crypts
↓ A05.2.01.012 |
Capsula tonsillae; Capsula tonsillaris
Tonsillar capsule
↓ A05.3.01.006 |
Tonsilla pharyngealis; Tonsilla pharyngea
Pharyngeal tonsil
↓ A05.3.01.007 |
Fossulae tonsillae; Fossulae tonsillares
Tonsillar pits
↓ A05.3.01.008 |
Cryptae tonsillae; Cryptae tonsillares
Tonsillar crypts
↓ A05.3.01.009 |
Noduli lymphoidei
Lymphoid nodules
A05.3.01.016 |
Tonsilla tubaria
Tubal tonsil
A13.2.02.003 |
Cryptae tonsillares
Tonsillar crypts
↓ A13.2.03.001 |
Nodus lymphoideus; Nodus lymphaticus; Lymphonodus
Lymph node
A13.2.03.002 |
A13.2.03.003 |
A13.2.03.004 |
A13.2.03.005 |
A13.2.03.006 |
A12.4.02.001 |
Nodi lymphoidei regionales
Regional lymph nodes
↓ A13.3.00.001 |
Nodi lymphoidei craniocervicales
Craniocervical lymph nodes
A13.3.00.002 |
Nodi occipitales
Occipital nodes
A13.3.00.003 |
Nodi mastoidei
Mastoid nodes
A13.3.00.004 |
Nodi parotidei superficiales
Superficial parotid nodes
A13.3.00.005 |
Nodi parotidei profundi
Deep parotid nodes
A13.3.00.006 |
Nodi preauriculares
Preauricular nodes
A13.3.00.007 |
Nodi infraauriculares
Infraauricular nodes
A13.3.00.008 |
Nodi intraglandulares
Intraglandular nodes
A13.3.00.009 |
Nodi faciales
Facial nodes
A13.3.00.010 |
Nodus buccinatorius
Buccinator node
A13.3.00.011 |
Nodus nasolabialis
Nasolabial node
A13.3.00.012 |
Nodus malaris
Malar node
A13.3.00.013 |
Nodus mandibularis
Mandibular node
A13.3.00.014 |
Nodi linguales
Lingual nodes
A13.3.00.015 |
Nodi submentales
Submental nodes
A13.3.00.016 |
Nodi submandibulares
Submandibular nodes
A13.3.00.017 |
Nodi cervicales anteriores; Nodi colli anteriores
Anterior cervical nodes
A13.3.00.018 |
Nodi superficiales; Nodi jugulares anteriores
Superficial nodes; Anterior jugular nodes
A13.3.00.019 |
Nodi profundi
Deep nodes
A13.3.00.020 |
Nodi infrahyoidei
Infrahyoid nodes
A13.3.00.021 |
Nodi prelaryngei
Prelaryngeal nodes
A13.3.00.022 |
Nodi thyroidei
Thyroid nodes
A13.3.00.023 |
Nodi pretracheales
Pretracheal nodes
A13.3.00.024 |
Nodi paratracheales
Paratracheal nodes
A13.3.00.025 |
Nodi retropharyngeales
Retropharyngeal nodes
A13.3.00.026 |
Nodi cervicales laterales; Nodi colli laterales
Lateral cervical nodes
A13.3.00.027 |
Nodi superficiales
Superficial nodes
A13.3.00.028 |
Nodi profundi superiores
Superior deep nodes
A13.3.00.029 |
Nodus jugulodigastricus
Jugulodigastric node
A13.3.00.030 |
Nodus lateralis
Lateral node
A13.3.00.031 |
Nodus anterior
Anterior node
A13.3.00.032 |
Nodi profundi inferiores
Inferior deep nodes
A13.3.00.033 |
Nodus juguloomohyoideus
Jugulo-omohyoid node
A13.3.00.034 |
Nodus lateralis
Lateral node
A13.3.00.035 |
Nodi anteriores
Anterior nodes
A13.3.00.036 |
Nodi supraclaviculares
Supraclavicular nodes
A13.3.00.037 |
Nodi accessorii
Accessory nodes
A13.3.00.038 |
Nodi retropharyngeales
Retropharyngeal nodes
A13.3.01.001 |
Nodi lymphoidei membri superioris
Lymph nodes of upper limb
A13.3.01.002 |
Nodi lymphoidei axillares
Axillary lymph nodes
A13.3.01.003 |
Nodi apicales
Apical nodes
A13.3.01.004 |
Nodi humerales; Nodi laterales
Humeral nodes; Lateral nodes
A13.3.01.005 |
Nodi subscapulares; Nodi posteriores
Subscapular nodes; Posterior nodes
A13.3.01.006 |
Nodi pectorales; Nodi anteriores
Pectoral nodes; Anterior nodes
A13.3.01.007 |
Nodi centrales
Central nodes
A13.3.01.008 |
Nodi interpectorales
Interpectoral nodes
A13.3.01.009 |
Nodi deltopectorales; Nodi infraclaviculares
Deltopectoral nodes; Infraclavicular nodes
A13.3.01.010 |
Nodi brachiales
Brachial nodes
A13.3.01.011 |
Nodi cubitales
Cubital nodes
A13.3.01.012 |
Nodi supratrochleares
Supratrochlear nodes
A13.3.01.013 |
Nodi superficiales
Superficial nodes
A13.3.01.014 |
Nodi profundi
Deep nodes
A13.3.02.001 |
Nodi lymphoidei thoracis
Thoracic lymph nodes
A13.3.02.002 |
Nodi paramammarii
Paramammary nodes
A13.3.02.003 |
Nodi parasternales
Parasternal nodes
A13.3.02.004 |
Nodi intercostales
Intercostal nodes
A13.3.02.005 |
Nodi phrenici superiores
Superior diaphragmatic nodes
A13.3.02.006 |
Nodi prepericardiaci
Prepericardial nodes
A13.3.02.007 |
Nodi brachiocephalici
Brachiocephalic nodes
A13.3.02.008 |
(Nodus ligamenti arteriosi)
(Node of ligamentum arteriosum)
A13.3.02.009 |
(Nodus arcus venae azygos)
(Node of arch of azygos vein)
A13.3.02.010 |
Nodi pericardiaci laterales
Lateral pericardial nodes
A13.3.02.011 |
Nodi paratracheales
Paratracheal nodes
A13.3.02.012 |
Nodi tracheobronchiales
Tracheobronchial nodes
A13.3.02.013 |
Nodi tracheobronchiales superiores
Superior tracheobronchial nodes
A13.3.02.014 |
Nodi tracheobronchiales inferiores
Inferior tracheobronchial nodes
A13.3.02.015 |
Nodi bronchopulmonales
Bronchopulmonary nodes
A13.3.02.016 |
Nodi intrapulmonales
Intrapulmonary nodes
A13.3.02.017 |
Nodi juxtaoesophageales
Juxta-oesophageal nodes ▲
A13.3.02.018 |
Nodi prevertebrales
Prevertebral nodes
A13.3.03.001 |
Nodi lymphoidei abdominis
Abdominal lymph nodes
A13.3.03.002 |
Nodi lymphoidei parietales
Parietal lymph nodes
A13.3.03.003 |
Nodi lumbales sinistri
Left lumbar nodes
A13.3.03.004 |
Nodi aortici laterales
Lateral aortic nodes
A13.3.03.005 |
Nodi preaortici
Pre-aortic nodes
A13.3.03.006 |
Nodi retroaortici; Nodi postaortici
Postaortic nodes
A13.3.03.007 |
Nodi lumbales intermedii
Intermediate lumbar nodes
A13.3.03.008 |
Nodi lumbales dextri
Right lumbar nodes
A13.3.03.009 |
Nodi cavales laterales
Lateral caval nodes
A13.3.03.010 |
Nodi precavales
Precaval nodes
A13.3.03.011 |
Nodi retrocavales; Nodi postcavales
Postcaval nodes
A13.3.03.012 |
Nodi phrenici inferiores
Inferior diaphragmatic nodes
A13.3.03.013 |
Nodi epigastrici inferiores
Inferior epigastric nodes
A13.3.03.014 |
Nodi lymphoidei viscerales
Visceral lymph nodes
A13.3.03.015 |
Nodi coeliaci
Coeliac nodes ▲
↓ A13.3.03.016 |
Nodi gastrici
Gastric nodes
A13.3.03.017 |
(Anulus lymphaticus cardiae)
(Nodes around cardia)
↓ A13.3.03.018 |
Nodi gastroomentales
Gastro-omental nodes
A13.3.03.019 |
Nodi pylorici
Pyloric nodes
A13.3.03.020 |
(Nodus suprapyloricus)
(Suprapyloric node)
A13.3.03.021 |
(Nodi subpylorici)
(Subpyloric nodes)
A13.3.03.022 |
(Nodi retropylorici)
(Retropyloric nodes)
A13.3.03.023 |
Nodi pancreatici
Pancreatic nodes
A13.3.03.024 |
Nodi superiores
Superior nodes
A13.3.03.025 |
Nodi inferiores
Inferior nodes
A13.3.03.026 |
Nodi splenici; Nodi lienales
Splenic nodes
A13.3.03.027 |
Nodi pancreaticoduodenales
Pancreaticoduodenal nodes
A13.3.03.028 |
Nodi superiores
Superior nodes
A13.3.03.029 |
Nodi inferiores
Inferior nodes
A13.3.03.030 |
Nodi hepatici
Hepatic nodes
A13.3.03.031 |
Nodus cysticus
Cystic node
A13.3.03.032 |
Nodus foraminalis
Node of anterior border of omental foramen
A13.3.03.033 |
Nodi mesenterici superiores
Superior mesenteric nodes
A13.3.03.034 |
Nodi juxtaintestinales
Juxta-intestinal mesenteric nodes
A13.3.03.035 |
Nodi superiores centrales
Central superior mesenteric nodes
A13.3.03.036 |
Nodi ileocolici
Ileocolic nodes
A13.3.03.037 |
Nodi precaecales
Precaecal nodes ▲
A13.3.03.038 |
Nodi retrocaecales
Retrocaecal nodes ▲
A13.3.03.039 |
Nodi appendiculares
Appendicular nodes
A13.3.03.040 |
Nodi mesocolici
Mesocolic nodes
A13.3.03.041 |
Nodi paracolici
Paracolic nodes
↓ A13.3.03.042 |
Nodi colici
Colic nodes
A13.3.03.043 |
Nodi mesenterici inferiores
Inferior mesenteric nodes
A13.3.03.044 |
Nodi sigmoidei
Sigmoid nodes
A13.3.03.045 |
Nodi rectales superiores
Superior rectal nodes
A13.3.04.001 |
Nodi lymphoidei pelvis
Pelvic lymph nodes
A13.3.04.002 |
Nodi lymphoidei parietales
Parietal nodes
A13.3.04.003 |
Nodi iliaci communes
Common iliac nodes
A13.3.04.004 |
Nodi mediales
Medial nodes
A13.3.04.005 |
Nodi intermedii
Intermediate nodes
A13.3.04.006 |
Nodi laterales
Lateral nodes
A13.3.04.007 |
Nodi subaortici
Subaortic nodes
A13.3.04.008 |
Nodi promontorii
Promontorial nodes
A13.3.04.009 |
Nodi iliaci externi
External iliac nodes
A13.3.04.010 |
Nodi mediales
Medial nodes
A13.3.04.011 |
Nodi intermedii
Intermediate nodes
A13.3.04.012 |
Nodi laterales
Lateral nodes
A13.3.04.013 |
(Nodus lacunaris medialis)
(Medial lacunar node)
A13.3.04.014 |
(Nodus lacunaris intermedius)
(Intermediate lacunar node)
A13.3.04.015 |
(Nodus lacunaris lateralis)
(Lateral lacunar node)
A13.3.04.016 |
Nodi interiliaci
Interiliac nodes
A13.3.04.017 |
Nodi obturatorii
Obturator nodes
A13.3.04.018 |
Nodi iliaci interni
Internal iliac nodes
A13.3.04.019 |
Nodi gluteales
Gluteal nodes
A13.3.04.020 |
Nodi superiores
Superior nodes
A13.3.04.021 |
Nodi inferiores
Inferior nodes
A13.3.04.022 |
Nodi sacrales
Sacral nodes
A13.3.04.023 |
Nodi lymphoidei viscerales
Visceral lymph nodes
A13.3.04.024 |
Nodi paravesicales
Paravesical nodes
A13.3.04.025 |
Nodi prevesicales
Prevesical nodes
A13.3.04.026 |
Nodi retrovesicales; Nodi postvesicales
Postvesical nodes
A13.3.04.027 |
Nodi vesicales laterales
Lateral vesical nodes
A13.3.04.028 |
Nodi parauterini ♀
Para-uterine nodes ♀
A13.3.04.029 |
Nodi paravaginales ♀
Paravaginal nodes ♀
A13.3.04.030 |
Nodi pararectales; Nodi anorectales
Pararectal nodes
A13.3.05.001 |
Nodi lymphoidei membri inferioris
Lymph nodes of lower limb
A13.3.05.002 |
Nodi lymphoidei inguinales
Inguinal lymph nodes
A13.3.05.003 |
Nodi inguinales superficiales
Superficial inguinal nodes
A13.3.05.004 |
Nodi superomediales
Superomedial nodes
A13.3.05.005 |
Nodi superolaterales
Superolateral nodes
A13.3.05.006 |
Nodi inferiores
Inferior nodes
A13.3.05.007 |
Nodi inguinales profundi
Deep inguinal nodes
A13.3.05.008 |
(Nodus proximalis)
(Proximal node)
A13.3.05.009 |
(Nodus intermedius)
(Intermediate node)
A13.3.05.010 |
Nodus distalis
Distal node
A13.3.05.011 |
Nodi poplitei
Popliteal nodes
A13.3.05.012 |
Nodi superficiales
Superficial nodes
A13.3.05.013 |
Nodi profundi
Deep nodes
A13.3.05.014 |
(Nodus tibialis anterior)
(Anterior tibial node)
A13.3.05.015 |
(Nodus tibialis posterior)
(Posterior tibial node)
A13.3.05.016 |
(Nodus fibularis)
(Fibular node; Peroneal node)
Entries: 214 | Notes: 13 | Date: 28.01.2013 |
♦ TA98 footnote | ♠ TA98 correction note | ♣ TA98 RAT note | ♥ TA98 redirection note |
♠ | A05.2.01.014 | Fossulae tonsillae In the published book (Thieme 1998), this entry had similar, but different, Latin names in different chapters: fossulae tonsillae in chapter 5 and fossulae tonsillares in chapter 13. The two entries for this entity were made identical by using one term as the Latin preferred term, and the other as an official synonym. |
♠ | A05.2.01.015 | Cryptae tonsillae In the published book (Thieme 1998), this entry had similar, but different, Latin names in different chapters: cryptae tonsillae in chapter 5 and cryptae tonsillares in chapter 13. The two entries for this entity were made identical by using one term as the Latin preferred term, and the other as an official synonym. |
♠ | A05.2.01.012 | Capsula tonsillae In the published book (Thieme 1998), this entry had similar, but different, Latin names in different chapters: capsula tonsillae in chapter 5 and capsula tonsillaris in chapter 13. The two entries for this entity were made identical by using one term as the Latin preferred term, and the other as an official synonym. |
♠ | A05.3.01.006 | Tonsilla pharyngealis In the published book (Thieme 1998), this entry had similar, but different, Latin names in different chapters: tonsilla pharyngealis in chapter 5 and tonsilla pharyngea in chapter 13. The two entries for this entity were made identical by using one term as the Latin preferred term, and the other as an official synonym. |
♠ | A05.3.01.007 | Fossulae tonsillae In the published book (Thieme 1998), this entry had similar, but different, Latin names in different chapters: fossulae tonsillae in chapter 5 and fossulae tonsillares in chapter 13. The two entries for this entity were made identical by using one term as the Latin preferred term, and the other as an official synonym. |
♠ | A05.3.01.008 | Cryptae tonsillae In the published book (Thieme 1998), this entry had similar, but different, Latin names in different chapters: cryptae tonsillae in chapter 5 and cryptae tonsillares in chapter 13. The two entries for this entity were made identical by using one term as the Latin preferred term, and the other as an official synonym. |
♠ | A05.3.01.009 | Noduli lymphoidei In the published book (Thieme 1998), this entry had similar, but different, Latin names in different chapters: noduli lymphoidei pharyngeales in chapter 5 and noduli lymphoidei in chapter 13. The two entries for this entity were made identical by removing the adjective pharyngeales from the Latin preferred term. |
♠ | A05.3.01.009 | Noduli lymphoidei A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by indenting the Latin and English terms two positions to the right to show that the noduli lymphoidei are a part of the tonsilla pharyngealis. |
♠ | A13.2.03.001 | Nodus lymphoideus Three entries in the lymph node section of the published book (Thieme 1998) were removed because the entities are not parts of a lymph node. Each of these entities (A05.6.01.013 noduli lymphoidei solitarii, A05.6.01.014 noduli lymphoidei aggregati and A05.7.02.009 noduli lymphoidei aggregati appendicis vermiformis) have entries in the systema digestoria chapter, and could be restored to the systema lymphoidea chapter if a section of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues (MALT) is created. |
♣ | A13.3.00.001 | Nodi lymphoidei craniocervicales The Latin precursor nodi lymphoidei capitis et coli and the English equivalent contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A13.3.03.016 | Nodi gastrici The Latin precursor nodi gastrici dextri/sinistri, and the English equivalent, included a slash, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A13.3.03.018 | Nodi gastroomentales The Latin precursor nodi gastroomentales dextri/sinistri, and the English equivalent, included a slash, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A13.3.03.042 | Nodi colici The Latin precursor nodi colici dextri/medii/sinistri, and the English equivalent, included a pair of slashes, which are not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |